Spain christmas colors
Spain christmas colors

(not that I’m a big fan of that concept of “luck”) but the Spanish Christmas Lottery is the most celebrated and awaited draw run by the state-owned National lottery every year. Spanish Christmas Lottery (“El Gordo”) Link to source.Īs holidays arrive and expectations flourish, everyone begins to attract good luck for the popular draw. I’ve never been to one, but it seems like an ideal way to warm up during winter in Spain. These bonfires are also seen on Spanish beaches for the Fiesta de San Joan to celebrate the summer solstice. There are many other New Year’s superstitions only practiced by Spanish people. Also, they say it is an excellent way to welcome the coming new year. They do it because it brings good health, prosperity, and wealth to your family and yourself. Where people in southern Spain jump through the flames of a bonfire at the winter solstice on December 21.

spain christmas colors

“Hogueras” or Bonfires are a unique Spanish Christmas tradition celebrated in Granada, Jaén in particular. Granada the celebration of “Hogueras” (Bonfires) Seems like the “Spanish love to party” stereotype is very accurate… we’re just born sociable! 3. Over the years, this custom became a true tradition in which more than 35,000 people have participated in its last edition!! They wanted to celebrate with their classmates, flatmates, etc., before returning home to their families. It was literally a spontaneous idea from a group of university students on a random night. This Spanish New Year’s tradition has become so essential in this city, and you won’t believe how it began… Every year, a few hundred university students gather together in the main square of the city, or “Plaza Mayor de Salamanca.” At midnight, the crowd gathers to eat 12 jellies instead of the traditional 12 lucky grapes. It has been celebrated in Spain since the 90s. “Nochevieja Universitaria” is how university students and young people in Salamanca, Castilla y León, say goodbye to the year before returning home for Christmas. “Nochevieja Universitaria” Link to source.

spain christmas colors

It is also a national holiday, and the The Virgin Mary was proclaimed patronness of the ecclesiatical body ot the army and of Spain. In Andalusia (Cádiz, Málaga, and Tarifa), they carry out their Rosaries to practice their prayers on the streets instead of the churches.

spain christmas colors

Spanish families begin decorating the Christmas tree and the manger during this period! (I Already got chills by thinking about it) It was celebrated for the first time in Spain in 1644, being declared a holiday in 1854 by Pope Pius IX. Also, many other Hispanic Countries have this holy day as well. It is considered a patronal feast day on which many Christians attend special church services for this occasion. This Catholic feast celebrates Mary’s conception without sin. In Spain, Christmas officially begins on the day of the Immaculate Conception on December 8. Feast of the Epiphany, the three wise man

Spain christmas colors